cured pork loin

local name “picabadallo” Pigs farmed as our forefather did, free-range. Grazing and rooting in the fields and forests. The choricero peppers grown and dryed locally. With these ingredients we can offer the most elegant, balanced products .
If there is an excellent and unmistakable product is the pork loin. And this demands greater, respectful elaboration. The loin are separated from the backbone, salted gently over three days and they were prepared with the garlic and the choricero peppers, followed by a a slow slow curing.
Traditionally the pork loin ater the slow curing, is sliced when still tender, and conserved in oil, for the hard work of the summer season. With “only showing to” the frying pan, on both sides, the “Amatxus” (mothers) rewarded the hard days efforts of the baserritarras (farmers.) Also cured, but without drying, and was consumed with olive oil, for a marvelous sandwich or starter those succulent and generous meals made throughout the local villages.

(English) (Castellano) (Euskera) Four generations of real people,real food. Lombera de Carranza ® © 2010 Lombera de Carranza Ambasaguas,97 Valle de Carranza. 48891 Vizcaya.
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